Facing a public still wary of his massive health care overhaul, President Barack Obama urged Americans not to judge the nearly $1 trillion legislation he signed into law last week until the reforms take hold.
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Posts Tagged ‘Health’
Obama Urges Patience As Health Care Law Kicks In – 1934th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010High-Tech Scans May Lower Hospital Costs – 1935th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010Patients who get CT scans or MRIs may have to spend less time in the hospital.
By fox5vegas.com
Prostate Drug May Harm Hearts – 1936th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010Full results of a big study testing Avodart for preventing prostate cancer show a higher risk of heart failure, a surprise finding that could dampen enthusiasm for expanding its use.
By fox5vegas.com
Assisted Suicide Group Pleads Not Guilty – 1937th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010Four members of an assisted suicide group pleaded not guilty Thursday in north Georgia on charges they helped a man with cancer kill himself.
By fox5vegas.com
Ohio Twins Born A Week Apart – 1938th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010Jennifer Renz was pregnant with twins. But when the Ohio mother went into premature labor, only one baby was born. A full week later, she delivered its twin.
By fox5vegas.com
CDC: New England Tops In Swine Flu Vaccinations – 1939th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010New England leads the nation in swine flu vaccinations, while the South has the lowest rates, U.S. health officials said Thursday in the first state-by-state report on turnout.
By fox5vegas.com
Tiny Soda Taxes Don’t Cut Fat, Study Says – 1940th Edition
Friday, April 2nd, 2010According to new research, small taxes don’t deter people from eating poorly, but larger levies might.
By fox5vegas.com
Kids Reject Celeb Chef’s Healthy Lunches – 1927th Edition
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010Jamie Oliver tried to teach children at an elementary school a new way to eat. They prefer pizza and chicken nuggets.
By fox5vegas.com
Diabetes Raises Risk Of Death After Surgery – 1928th Edition
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010Cancer patients who also have diabetes are more likely to die within a month of having tumors removed.
By fox5vegas.com
Labeling May Lead To Healthier Fast Food – 1929th Edition
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010Will a national requirement for chain restaurants to post calorie counts sound the death knell for bacon cheeseburgers and double chocolate doughnuts?
By fox5vegas.com