Best diet to lose weight : I don't know how old you are, but I do know this… This past year went by faster than any o…
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Posts Tagged ‘eating’
Best diet to Lose Weight – GUARANTEED – 1791th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014The 10,000 Calorie Sumo Wrestler Diet: FUEL – 1792th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Recipe: Sumo Wrestler Chanko-Nabo – MUNCHIES introduces FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high performance diets of athletes. We foll…
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Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction? – 1793th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Recent research suggests low carb diets could improve the lives of people suffering from obesity and diabetes. Dr Maryanne Demasi asks international advocate…
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My Diet & Fitness Tips! | Gigi – 1794th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
A few of my diet and fitness tips that I use to stay in shape and healthy!!! For the cute capri leggings I mentioned use the coupon code “STYLIST20” to get 2…
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5 Diet Tips to Lose Belly Fat 87% Faster! – 1795th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014 In this video Peter Carvell shares 5 Diet Tips that helped him lose over 100lbs in just 6 months. He has also shared these diet t…
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What Really Happens on a Juice Cleanse Diet | #BeautyExperienced Ep. 9 – 1787th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Mention juice cleanses and you're bound to strike up a debate. That's because they're one of the most controversial diet methods out there. In this episode o…
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You Thought You Understood Acid/Alkaline Diet… Until You Saw This! – 1788th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Is alkalizing your body through diet as great as we hear? What about an acidic diet? How does the body respond to that? Dr. Peter Glidden discusses the pH ba…
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The 20,000 Calorie Strongman Diet: FUEL – 1789th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Recipe: Strongman Pasta Asciutta – In this episode of FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high-performance diets of athletes, we follow…
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Real Food: The Best Diet – 1790th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
What's gone wrong with the American diet, and how can we make it right? In this groundbreaking talk, Andrew Weil, M.D. illuminates the worst trends in Americ…
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5 2 Diet – 1779th Edition
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Not only was everything he thought he knew about food turned on its head, he learned that all those years sweating in the gym have probably been a waste of t…
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