Archive for April, 2009

Patient’s Cells Turned Into New Blood Vessels – 124th Edition

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Scientists grow blood vessels for kidney patients from their own cells, making it easier and safer for them to use dialysis machines, a new study says.

UN Says Money Available For Anti-Malaria Bed Nets – 123th Edition

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

On the eve of World Malaria Day, the head of UNICEF says there is enough money available to provide bed nets treated with long-lasting insecticide to everyone in Africa at risk of malaria by 2010.

Army Trying To Stem Increases In Soldier Suicides – 122th Edition

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

The Army has approved new guidance to military commanders in an effort to stem the rising toll of soldier suicides.

Breastfeeding May Fight Heart Attacks – 121th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Strokes, heart attack and diabetes are less common in women who provided their own milk to a baby.

Drugmakers: Swine Flu Strain Responds To Meds – 120th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Makers of the two main antiviral flu treatments say the swine flu virus seems to respond to their medicines.

Magnitude Of Dirty VA Hospital Equipment Unknown – 119th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Thousands of veterans were at first shocked to learn they should get blood tests for HIV and hepatitis because three hospitals might have treated them with unsterile equipment. Now, just a couple of months after the Department of Veterans Affairs issued the dire warnings, veterans are growing frustrated by the lack of information from the tightlipped federal agency.

Woman Gives Birth To Twins On Fifth Avenue – 118th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Twins — a boy and girl — are delivered right out on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

No Tampering Seen In S. Calif. Bottled Water Scare – 117th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

A dozen students complained of feeling sick after drinking bottled water from a junior high school vending machine, but the FBI said Friday that no sign of tampering was found and initial tests detected no contamination.

German Doctors: 40-Pound Tumor Removed From Woman – 116th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

A German doctor said Friday that surgeons have successfully removed a 40-pound (18 kilogram) malignant bone tumor from a Saudi Arabian woman.

Man Finds ‘Little Polliwogs’ In Town’s Water – 115th Edition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

People in parts of Connecticut have to boil water after micro-organisms were found in water that had been treated.