5 WORST diet mistakes (for building muscle) – 953th Edition

1 crazy trick to build muscle: sixpackshortcuts.com Hey y'all! Coming back at you today with another episode of the MONSTER New Year's Giveaway…and I've got some killer stuff for you today. I'm going to show you the five most common mistakes guys make with their diet when trying to build muscle that prevent them from EVER gaining size. I also show you how to avoid each mistake, and what to do instead so that you get the strong, muscular body you want. Here's the breakdown of mistakes for muscle gain. **1. Not eating enough calories: If you're not gaining weight, it's probably because you're not eating enough. Remember weight training only promotes muscle growth and its the calories that actual puts muscles on the body. **2. Not eating enough Carbs: Most of people afraid of carbs because of all the fitness fad diets out there claiming that carbs are the #1 cause of fat gain. Not only is this not true, but carbs is actually one of the most important part of muscle growth. **3 Not pre-cooking your meals in advance. Pre-cooking meals is the key to eating healthy and for muscle growth. For building muscle, we need to eat every two hours or so and without prepared meals… you'll never have time and the patience to set up the meal at those specific time. **4 Eating crazy amounts of protein: Your body could only absorb a certain amount of protein, about 1 gram per pound a day. So over eating protein will do you no good, in fact you'll be so focused on eating protein you'll end <b>…</b>
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